Getting The Best Price On Honeymoon Airfare

Whoa.  Did you know that if the price drops on your airline ticket after you buy it, you can rebook it at the lower rate?  Of course, you have to pay the rebooking fee (generally $150 domestic and  $250 international). But nonetheless, you still could come out ahead. Save on your honeymoon plane ticket

Say, for example that you buy your honeymoon tickets from Baltimore to Maui for $850 each.   Then, at some point before your honeymoon the price dropped to $650, you could rebook the tickets, pay the $150 fee and then get a $50 travel voucher for use on a future flight.

I’ve done a lot of air travel – and I’ve definitely been on the wrong side of that re-booking fee before for a schedule change.  But I don’t think I ever realized it might be a good idea to rebook my same travel schedule at a lower rate.

At (Your Amazing Personal Travel Assistant), you can track airfare prices and be alerted via email when the fare on a flight drops or falls below a desired spending limit.  And Yapta will continues to track the price of your flight even AFTER you’ve purchased your ticket and alerts you when you’re eligible for a travel voucher from the airline.

Hmm…I distinctly remember that our  Costa Rica tickets dropped in price after we bought them.  I wonder if we would could have gotten a voucher.  Personally, I’m going to do this for all my plane tickets from now on.