The Flower DIYvas

Personally, I think you either have a little Martha in you or you don’t.  And if you are among the lucky that do, you might consider doing your own wedding flowers.  It’s a great way to save some money, and add your own creative touch to your Day.

If you are looking for a way to get started, check out the Floral Design Workshop DVD by the Flower DIYvas.  It’s an instructional, step by step video on exactly how to create your own wedding flowers.

The Flower DIYvas are Christine and Dawn, two friends and florists from southern California, who have created the workshop DVD that includes everything from planning and buying, to design and setup. Basically, how to do their job at your wedding.

Flower DIYvas

I consider myself among those that don’t have the Martha gene, but I’m thinking of picking up the video just so I can up my centerpiece game at home!