12 Timeless Bridal Hairstyles

How to wear your hair should never be the most difficult decision you make when planning your wedding day. Unfortunately, we realize that could be easier said than done with all the infinite amounts of inspiration, bridal blogs, insta pics, and more floating around in our faces on a daily basis.

Bridal hairstyle trends have ebbed and flowed just as much as the gowns they walk down the aisle in. Some picks are timeless, though, like their A-line skirt counterpart or satin finishes we are all used to in the world of white. There are multiple routes to take if you’re looking for an option to keep you looking natural, timeless, but still completely beautiful and bridal.

Traditional looks lend themselves to our updo designs such as the chignon, French twist, or simple bun. Even though chic ponytails and boho waves have carried a lot of the wedding day beauty awards on their backs. Curls, retro-inspired nips and tucks, accessorized braids, and more are all a part of the possibilities brides may struggle to choose between. But struggle no more!

We have gathered all the inspiration you need with these 12 timeless bridal hairstyles below. Scroll through and find which one may work for your big day!

The French Twist

bridal french twist

Via Once Wed

The French twist is on its way back! Whether you decide to go with a messier, carefree version for your boho, garden party, or a slicker, chicer look – this updo will always get the job done. There’s a sweet elegance and sophistication attached to this design and it’s easily accessorized as well.

Wrapped Pony

bridal wrapped ponytail

Via Martha Stewart

A wrapped ponytail is a simple hairstyle that works for all kinds of brides and styles. From modern, sleek looks to messy, boho edges, it’s a great way to get your tresses up and out of your face. This style works especially well when you want to show off back details or necklines of your gown.

Beach Waves

bridal beach waves

Via The Right Hairstyles

For brides that want their locks flowing, just add in some beach waves. This too works well for any style of gown and theme because of its natural ease and feminine flavor. Reinforce your natural body or perfect using a curling rod before the big day comes to call.

Ballet Bun

bridal ballet bun

Via Pinterest

A class ballet bun is the perfect topping on a traditional bridal ball gown. It’s chic and clean – and also easy to “install” for your hairstylist. Make sure you have a run through and decide whether you want it minimal or accessorized for your walk down the aisle. It’s also a beautiful look when paired with a veil. A variation of this is the knotted bun, which is also worth considering.

Sleek & Straight

bridal sleek and straight hair

Via Pinterest

Our brides with a more modern style may just want a sleek and straight hairdo for their celebration. It tops off a crisp wedding day gown without taking away from the clean energy. We also love this style because it features your natural tresses without pulling focus from your eyes.

Braided Crown

bridal braided crowns

Via Chic Vintage Brides

Here’s another hairstyle for our brides that want a bit more fairy-tale included. These braided crowns are so whimsical and easily personalized (with fresh flowers no less). Our garden weddings and bohemian beauties love this look.

Half-Up Curls

bridal half up half down curls

Via Martha Stewart

A half-up, half-down hairstyle is one of the most traditional, and feminine too. We love adding a bit of curl or wave to the finished product. It’s truly a style that is the best of both worlds in terms of functionality and femininity.

Simple Chignon

bridal Simple Chignon

Via Brides

One of the most traditional hairstyles when it comes to brides and formal events is the chignon. It’s perfect for the classic bride or even someone who wants to infuse some vintage style into their look. Accessorize, or go minimal, it’s completely up to you!

Slick Pony

Via Weddingomania Keep it wrapped or add a small braid. Twist the top or leave it bare. A sleek pony works well for those same brides with a modern, chic style. If you aren’t looking for fuss and rather have a bout of simple sensuality, this is it. Messy Bun

Via Weddingomania

Keep it wrapped or add a small braid. Twist the top or leave it bare. A sleek pony works well for those same brides with a modern, chic style. If you aren’t looking for fuss and rather have a bout of simple sensuality, this is it.

Messy Bun

bridal messy bun

Via Roses and Rings

Messy buns can be utilized in so many ways. Keep them high with tendrils falling around your face. Or low and flowing to match your Claire Pettibone beauty. A messy bun feels a bit more magical than some other options.

Fishtail Braids

bridal fishtail

Via Brides

Braids can be a fun way to dress up your bridal look and personalize it to match your uniqueness. Side braids or straight down the back, we love this fairy-tale style for our princess-inspired brides.

Retro Bob

retro bob bridal hair

Via Pinterest

And finally, retro bobs and waves are always going to be a hit for a bride who is paying homage to the past. There are a variety of ways to utilize this sexy, traditional look whether it’s creating a faux, shortened layer or using your own!