Renee + Kevin’s Frick Park Engagement by Jordan Brittley

Frick Park Engagement Session by Jordan Brittley Photography on

Renee and Kevin’s adorable engagement session was at Frick Park in Pittsburgh. They walked along Braddock Trail, surrounded by beautiful autumn foliage, and Jordan Brittley captured their cuteness!

She met him before the beard. At their Church in the city. She asked him on a few dates and he learned about her love for dinosaurs. And the Lord. But really, she just likes dinosaurs and she loves the Lord. And this set Renée apart from every other girl and affirmed Kevin’s decision to pursue her like he had never pursued anyone else.

One day he hid in the bushes. And she was reading his note. And he came out with a bouquet of flowers and a dinosaur egg and she read another letter hidden inside the egg. “I have one more question to ask you.” Those were the last words on the page. And then he asked her if he could date her. And if you know Renée, she was probably crying because of how touched she was.

And then there was a scavenger hunt. And because Renée likes dinosaurs and dinosaur statues roam the city of Pittsburgh, he hid a dinosaur egg with each dinosaur. And Renée could feel her excitement growing as she read the letters in the eggs. And then, finally, Kevin came out of the bushes and handed her a book. A book which beautifully illustrated their relationship. And she turned each page with a new tear because her heart was flooded with love for Kevin. And on the very last page, she read each word through the blurriness of teared eyes: “I have one more question to ask you.” And as she turned the page, something glimmered. And he had carved a small hole in each of the following pages to create a pocket for a ring. Her ring. And on one knee in the middle of trees, he asked Renée to marry him.

Frick Park Engagement Session by Jordan Brittley Photography on

Frick Park Engagement Session by Jordan Brittley Photography on

Frick Park Engagement Session by Jordan Brittley Photography on

Frick Park Engagement Session by Jordan Brittley Photography on

Frick Park Engagement Session by Jordan Brittley Photography on

Frick Park Engagement Session by Jordan Brittley Photography on

You can also check out their video here!
