Renewal Advice: Echo the Sentiments, but Make it Different
The process of renewing your vows should be an incredibly joyous occasion. Your second chance to say ‘I do’ reaffirms your commitment to each other and the day should be just as important as your wedding day. No matter whether you’re renewing your vows for the only time or the first of many, the occasion remains incredibly important and setting the tone is vital. Here’s how you can make sure that you echo the sentiments of when you first pledged yourselves to each other while making it different and a reflection of your current life together.
Make Original Elements the Centrepiece
If you have any elements from your original wedding leftover then it is a really nice idea to ensure that these remain involved when you renew your vows. Symbolically, this helps draw the past into the present and provides a nostalgic reminder of your first service. Anything from photos to candles to the original dress (if it still fits) can be used to provide a timely reminder of that special day and why you’re renewing your vows.
Add a New Twist
Unless you’re on an incredibly strict budget, you shouldn’t stop yourself from buying a few new items to add a touch of glamour. If your dress is old, simple accessories can help modernise it and bring it into the twenty-first century. Alongside this, you’ll probably still want new bridesmaid’s dresses, a photographer and a host of other things that are expensive. The largest decision you’ll have to make is the venue. Would you like to return to where you were first wed, or go somewhere entirely different to add a new twist? Don’t bow to pressure here and remember the day is about you. There’s no rulebook, so do exactly what you want.
Create a Celebration of Your Life Together So Far
The day you renew your vows should be a celebration of all that has happened between you and your partner over your married life. If you’re having a reception for family and friends, it is normally wise to make your anecdotes an expression of this and revisit some highlights of your married life.
To conclude, you should ensure that every element of your renewal suits you taste. It is good to incorporate both new and old styles, and use it as a celebration of your life together so far. However, having said that, you should also make sure that your day contains only what you want. After all, there’s no wrong way of doing things and the day should be all about you.