Wording Second Wedding Announcements
Even though this might be a second wedding for bride, groom or both, you’ll still want to share the happy news that you’ve been married. Wedding announcements are sent only to those people not invited to the wedding, but who need to know that the marriage took place. The recipients usually are friends and family who could not be invited to the wedding (due to lack of seating or budgetary concerns). Business associates may be sent a wedding announcement if it’s someone you feel would want to hear your news. The proper response to a wedding announcement is a letter of congratulations. No gifts should be expected or sent. Announcements should be sent the day after the wedding but if this is impossible (or you forgot) they may be mailed as soon as possible up to several months after the wedding took place. Traditional wedding announcements are sent from the parents of the bride, however, in the case of a second wedding the couple may want to announce their own wedding.
[message_box title=”Couple Announcing Second Wedding” color=””]
Shannon Lynn Walker
Chris Earle Jones
announce their marriage
Saturday, the fifth of April
two thousand twelve
Davis, California
[message_box title=”Bride’s Parents Announcing” color=””]
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker
have the honour of
announcing the marriage of their daughter
Shannon Lynn Walker
Chris Earle Jones
Saturday, the fifth of April
two thousand eleven
Maywood, New Jersey
[message_box title=”Both Parents Announcing” color=””]
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John Jones
announce the marriage of
Shannon Lynn Walker
Chris Earle Jones
Saturday, the fifth of April
two thousand and nine
Davis, California
[message_box title=”Children Announcing With Parents” color=””]
Shannon Lynn Walker
Chris Earle Jones
together with their children
Mary Walker and John Earl Jones Jr.
announce their marriage
Sunday, the twelfth of June
Maywood, New Jersey