DIY Bridal Emergency Kits

DIY Bridal Emergency Kits

By Guest Author Melissa Phillips, Simply Perfect by Melissa

A small emergency kit is a must-have at weddings. Little unexpected things come up, and you need to have a quick solution.

Planning ahead and putting together a few things will save you when those little mishaps occur. Here are a few things I use regularly when coordinating weddings.

At the very least, include these 10 items in your self-created emergency kit –

1. Safety pins
2. Bobby pins
3. Band aids
4. A spool of neutral color ribbon – white, ivory, black, brown
5. Straight pins
6. Deodorant
7. Scissors
8. Basic medications – pain reliever and antacid
9. Sewing kit
10. Stain remover pen or wipes

A Few Emergency Tips –

One of my most common problems is the bustle on the bridal gown breaking during the night. Safety pins can be used to make a quick repair by pinning the dress in the same place as the tie/button and loop used to be.

Neutral ribbon – this a great tool for making straps on a strapless gown that seems to be having problems staying up once late night dancing begins. I also use this frequently to whip together a quick toss bouquet (if one is forgotten) by using a stem of flowers from a few centerpieces (or taking a stem from each bridesmaid bouquet) and tying it together.

Boutonniere pins or straight pins are great to use when a flower breaks in a bouquet. To keep the bouquet looking fresh for pictures or its journey down the aisle, use a straight pin to pin the broken stem parts together. The metal part of the pin acts as a stem piece to keep the flower upright.

Event Coordinator Melissa Phillips, PBC, is the owner and creative force behind Simply Perfect by Melissa. Melissa has been creating events for more than 10 years, and her work has been featured in publications including Chicago Style Weddings, the Chicago Sun Times and the Daily Herald.