Save On Expert Care For Your Beloved Wedding Dress

When a bride has found her perfect gown, you can tell by the smile on her face and the glow in her eyes.  Before and after the  wedding, the care of such a special dress should only be trusted to experts who understand the unique complexities of wedding gown cleaning and care.ng_0266 recommends the experts at the Association of Wedding Gown Specialists. And until December 31st, you can get a $35 coupon toward the care of a wedding gown with any Association member.  Use your coupon for pressing, alterations before your Big Day or cleaning or preservation after you become a Mrs.

Association of Wedding Gown Specialists members are located in over 500 cities worldwide.  Their members clean gowns with standard museum-quality practices and with ensure your gown is impeccably cared for.  Why trust the gown you love to anyone else?

Get Your $35 Wedding Dress

Cleaning And Care Coupon Now