7 Easy Ways to Green Your Wedding

We all realize the importance of doing things to protect our planet.  Even small acts can really make a difference.  And your wedding day is no exception.

Did you know that the average wedding emits 14.5 tons of carbon dioxide? (The average person emits 17.1 tons in a year).   Why not work to reduce your wedding’s footprint, no matter how “green” a bride you consider yourself to be.

Consider these eco-friendly ideas:

1) Stay local. The fewer guests that have to travel to your wedding (especially by airplane) the less impact it will have.  Hold your wedding where the majority of your guests live.

2) Reduce transportation needs.  Hold your ceremony and reception in the same place. Think about hiring a bus or trolley to transport your guests so they won’t need to use individual cars.

3) Choose a venue that recycles.  You’d be surprised to learn that not all venues do. Be sure to ask before booking.  If your venue doesn’t recycle, ask them to develop a plan for your wedding.

4) Select eco-friendly invitations and create a wedding website to tell your guests everything else. How beautiful are these invitations from Bella Figura (a wind-powered, carbon neutral letterpress shop).

5) Use flowers grown locally.  This will eliminate costly air transportation for your blooms.  And will prevent using flowers that may have been grown with toxic chemicals and pesticides.

6) Give eco-friendly favors: If you are giving favors, it is easy to find delightful eco friendly options.  Just take a peek at these adorable gifts from Favor Creative.

7) Wear a PreOwned Wedding Dress. (Of course this one is our favorite!)  But seriously, buying a gown that is PreOwned, or selling your new dress after you wear it, means that a beautiful wedding dress will be “recycled” and enjoyed by another bride. And that is a much better option than tucking it away in a closet for years.

Have a tip on greening your wedding? Please tell us and share your savvy.